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7. Private Messages

7. Private Messages

Private Messages

Send private messages (PM) to other members of this page - this is a way to communicate privately. You will find similar functions to your e-mail client. The icon in front of the message symbolises the status of the message:

  • Read

    You have already read this message.

  • Unread

    This message has not yet been read by you. You can also see this by the bold title. A doubleclick on the icon of the message marks it as read

  • Replyed

    You have already replied this message.

  • Forwarded

    You have forwarded this message.

Own folders

Defining rules

You can also create folders to manage your messages. You can choose by different colours.


Create rules to make the use of private message more comfortable. You can define what happens with incoming messages. Set up a condition - e.g. the sender has a certain name - and an action that should happen in case of that condition - e.g. move the message to a specific folder.

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